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Special Meeting
Board of Selectmen
Tuesday, February 22, 2006

5:30 p.m.                 Starbard Building

Selectmen Present: Chairman Joseph Sullivan, and Selectmen Kimberly Ferguson, James Jumonville and David White.

Others Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager, Larry Galkowski, DPW Director

Appellants Present: Mark S. Ferguson, Kerrie Grolman, Jean and Walter Koenig, Sergei and Elena Popov

Chairman Sullivan called the special meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. He explained the purpose of the meeting and the procedure to be followed with each sewer betterment abatement applicant.

Jean H. Koenig, Map 162, Parcel 31

Larry Galkowski, DPW Director explained the Town recommendation to deny the abatement application by Jean and Walter Koenig for their property at 216 Malden Street. Mr. and Mrs. Koenig explained their reasoning for an abatement. After deliberation, Selectman Jumonville moved, and Selectman White seconded that the Board grant the abatement. The motion failed on a vote of 2 to 2, with Chairman Sullivan and Selectman Ferguson opposed. After further discussion, it was agreed to hold out the application for action at a future meeting.

Kerry M. Grolman, Map 221, Parcel 2

Mr. Galkowski reviewed his recommendation to deny the requested abatement for Kerrie Grolman of 57 Cranbrook Drive for property with frontage on Salisbury Street. Mr. Grolman stated his reasons for being granted an abatement and the Selectmen then discussed the matter. On a motion by Mr. Jumonville, seconded by Mr. Sullivan, it was voted 3 to 1 with Ms. Ferguson opposed, TO DENY THE ABATEMENT FILED BY MR. GROLMAN, MAP 221, PARCEL 2.

Sergei and Elena Popov, Map 197, Parcel 114

Mr. Galkowski stated that the request for abatement by Mr. and Mrs. Popov, 94 Putnam Road, was due to an issue of ownership and that the problem cited in the application was a matter that needed to be resolved between the Popov's and the previous owner of the property. Mr. and Mrs. Popov explained their problem and the Selectmen responded by re-stating that it was a private matter that could not be resolved by the Town in granting an abatement. On a motion by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Jumonville, it was unanimously voted 4 to 0 to DENY THE ABATEMENT AS REQUESTED BY SERGEI AND ELENA POPOV, MAP 197, PARCEL 114.

Selectman Ferguson recused herself and left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Mark S. Ferguson, Map 209, Parcel 14

Mr. Galkowski explained the Town's recommendation not to grant an abatement to Mr. Ferguson, 244 Bailey Road, for property at 75 Putnam Lane. Mr. Ferguson then presented his case that an abatement be granted. After deliberation by the Selectmen, on a motion by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Jumonville, it was unanimously voted, 3 to 0, to GRANT A SEWER BETTERMENT ABATEMENT TO MARK S. FERGUSON AS REQUESTED, MAP 209, PARCEL 14.


At 6:45 p.m. on a motion by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Jumonville, it was voted to adjourn the special meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

Approved: March 6, 2006